Saturday, June 2, 2007

OK family Blog Let's talk. I know Momma you don't like to talk politics, well I would like to talk about it, not exactly but maybe only sort of a little. I was sent an email by a group Jenifer were going to for a few years when we were with out a church home, It is called Sunday Morning Conversation Group.It was a group of people just like us, yet nothing like us, the sameness is they wanted to have conversation with other humans about issues. Not really political in fact when we were going it could not be a subject of either religion or politics but could evolve to those topics if that is where the conversation went. So we talked about family and social realities and a complete gamete of topics. Well anyway this email I just got from the group was about subject matter to be discussed this Sunday. Now I have a church home and we don't go to the group any more just because it is the same time as our church service. So the topic this week is National Security Presidential Directives. We in this group were no religion or political set, much varied, and that made things interesting. There was also a link for more information about the subject. So I was curious and followed the link. What I read there, worries me a great deal, as it is what I had predicted years ago but prayed to be wrong about this. Not really predicted as I don't really do that, I just sort of saw the possibility by what was going on at the time, and from what I had studied.
Well I would like every one to not consider me or my view point, but read this link I will be putting here with an open mind, and maybe leave me a comment. Comments are only shown when someone clicks on it. So only click on the comments from this entry (Mom) if you want to get political, just a little. I would like us to all consider this, and what to do if anything, or just follow along,per usual. I'm just asking you to read and comment only if you feel so inclined. An invitation to think and or speak about what is going on perhaps. 'Conversation', you know is good.
So after you've read this please feel free to make a comment. Just chick on comment at the end I think is how you leave comment as opposed to publishing a story to the blog. Thanks again for every one joining in on the family conversation. Don't want to and not trying to offend anyone at all, just feel it's important to know about this kind of stuff going on. Thanks again.
I love you all so don't anyone bother to get upset in any way I just found it to be a worry. Not too big of a worry as it was to me a long time ago. Now I know all things do in truth work for the good, and wanted to share and maybe get some feed back. Gary Are you there? what do you think? You've been around in other parts of the world and you are a really smart guy, we have all known that for a very long time. So let me know what you think about all this. Also the weekend was good (slower than we all hoped for) not great but good a good start. Thanks all for reading this.

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