Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Got it in English!!

Hi: Molly came down this morning and looked up language and got me back in English. She put a little fence around my patio and partly in the grass so Weeman can't run off and I don't have to run after him when I take care of him while they are gone to Alabama July 1st. He gets his tail cut off next Tuesday. Poor little guy leg in a cast and no tail. He will be a funny looking Doxie. Will send a picture.
Jon Glen has moved to another place in Iraq. I will send him a message tomorrow. Been quilting on Harley's quilt. Guess I'll get it done by the time she is sixteen. Love MOM
Mary: Bette Lou told me that when they went to visit us at Redondo Beach you were about 4 years old and she and Nannette went in the bathroom and locked the door, you banged on the door and said it was alright if girls saw girls in your little southeren accent. Don't know where you got a southern accent but you did have one, every body commented on it.

Jenifer's scrapbooking

Here are some pages Jenifer made last night for the start of my life story. She wants to know if Letitia would like to join her in this project if so Letitia get in touch with her and she will send you some old pic's. She is going to do that anyway we have all of you from your dad's we need to get to you. Anyway here is Jenifer and some of her work. Love to all. her email address is or it is More later

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Good to hear from you Spike

Still don't know what I did to get only Dutch Post language in front of me. I'll get Molly down here tomorrow. We are having a much needed rain. Sent my book to our new found 2nd cousins, Uncle Arnold's grandson, Don Wiseman. He and wife will meet with Nellie on the 23rd.
Our prayers will be with Jon Glen and fellow Army Troop. Talk to you later. Love MOM
hi all i guess i did it right to be able to write this little bit of news to you.
are son jon is bing moved to mosul in iraq, sure will be glad when he gets back to hawaii. tootie and i are both working for the shuttle buss at bryce canyon nat. park. i drive out to the south end of the park twice a day on thursday friday saterday and sunday it is a three and a half hour tour. outher than that i play golf on one of my days off mow lawns on one other day and go shopping on the other. by the way hi mom, love ya. spike

Don't know what I did.

I can pull the Family blog but it only reads in Dutch and I don't know how to undo it. Don't know what I did!! All the reading in front of me is Dutch or German except this message. Help!!! Love MOM

Latest about Weeman

As you know Weeman was run over my Eddie and nearly died but is doing good with his cast on his right foot but he has to have his tail taken off and it is a major surg.
Got in touch with new relatives and sent them my book. I wrote a long message last evening but forgot to post it. Love MOM

Monday, June 18, 2007

No more polictics here

I have created another blog for political view points so ONLY go there if you really want to get political. Otherwise just stay with family blog. I think that is a good way for me to say what I want and not bother my family about it. I will put the link to my new blog but Really don't go there unless you want to converse about things other than personal family stuff. Thank for being here and reading this message.

Jenifer finally checking in...


Well, Mom finally got me to take some time out to write something; not sure what yet, but here I am. We have been quite busy with our Sorority group, Delta Sigma of Beta Sigma Phi. It is a lot of fun going to the meetings and the social events; the ladies are all really nice. Our convention is next weekend and we have put together a couple of baskets to raffle off; we think they will be a big hit. One basket is a scrap booking basket and is choc' full of all kinds of wonderful scrap booking supplies; I will have to buy a bunch of tickets myself, I am often pretty lucky at these sorority raffles and I have a PASSION for scrap booking these days! The other is a basket of greeting cards that the Delta Sigma sisters all made...that was a lot of fun and the cards are all very beautiful...and fun ...and colorful...and so nice.

Steve, my husband, and I are planning our First Anniversary Party; July 15th will be one year. It's hard to believe I really have been married a year! We are very happy, still very much the newlyweds. Our party will be at the cabin where we got married with BBQ, picnicking, camping, fishing and general party fun. We anticipate that there will be a lot of folks coming up. Steve has a lot of friends here, he has been her for more than 15 years. I have a few friends but have mostly stuck to home lately. Our neighbors are very nice and may decide to come up. And Steve's friends are now my friends, of course. We have both really become quite the home bodies. We like to BBQ and hang out in the yard with the neighbors. Summer is really pretty here...even in town or when it is hot.

Our trip to Montana, Steve and I, was a great time. His mom was very glad to see him...and me. :) It was good to see everyone again; they are a very nice family. There were some illnesses and deaths in the last few years that have taken its toll on those in Montana...Steve too I suppose but he keeps it to himself no matter how I pry so I gave up. Anyway, everyone was so glad to see us finally. His nieces were a delight and absolutely love their Uncle Steve...and Aunt Jenifer by proxy. They were a hoot, especially the little one; she is very precocious.

Well that is all of the really exciting news here. Mom will keep you updated on more of her side. We plan to do a lot of camping and hanging out at the cabin this summer so anyone interested in a visit, please feel free to give us a call and we will make sure we are here to take you up the mountain. It is just gorgeous here in the summer...well, the winter too but more winter wonderland of course. Everything is so green and peaceful and well, loverly loverly!!

We miss you all and wish you were here with us to enjoy this beautiful place at its most beautiful!

Love, Jen :)

My TV show aired last night

We watched my first TV show last night on our local Boulder TV channel 54 it was the first of my series on Tarot a work shop called Simply seeing with Tarot and the first show was half hour it will show every other day at 7 pm and 11pm for the rest of this month and next month will start the rest of the series to be three 45 min shows,to show over and over again for the next few months. Very exciting. Had a few friends over to watch it with me. It is a local Boulder station so you live in Colorado and I guess at least Denver area to see it. But anyone can alway buy the DVD if you want to learn Tarot. Thank every one.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Hi everyone, We just got home. We have been at the lake of the ozarks for fathers day weekend. We had a really good time. The lake was kinda busy but the girls got to tube behind the boat a little. We spent most of the time swimming off the dock and just hanging at the house. Harley is so tan. She is just like mom(except tall). well I hope everyone had a good weekend. I well talk to you soon. Love Letitia

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Hello to everyone

Hi: I haven't heard from anyone for awhile. If you would like I will forward the letter from our new found relative. Just let me know. Our little Dog Weeman was run over by Eddie and was in the hospital for 4 days but is doing good now. has a cast on his front leg and has a broken tail. Molly has to take him every place she goes. Wish all the Fathers a Happy Father's Day. Love MOM

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Found another relative

Nellie caled me the other night and told me she received a call from Gina Wiseman. Her husband is the Grandson of my Uncle Arnold. He didn't know he had any relatives except his brother and was so excited to know he has family. Gina called me the other night as Nellie told her I have more information than she does. She ordered a book from me and I do have some Wiseman history in the book.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Just a quick note to everyone to say hi. Harley and her trio took first place at her regional meet in Saint Louis. So now we will head off to Palm Springs for nationals in July. Jade is doing great busy as usual. Will is off working in Oklahoma . And I'm just hanging out with my girls. I hope everyone is great I love you all. Letitia

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hi: It's me at last.

Well Hell: I finally got this right with Molly's help again. I just didn't click one little box. Hope Harley did well at the acrobatic meet, sure she did. I had a great Birthday and Party. Danced to the Missouri Waltz. Told them at the center my new birthday suit that Molly got me looked really good and for sure looks better than my old Birthday Suit. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful Family and now we have a new member I found thru Mack Yaussy, Unkie's son, and that is Sherry and James McGhee. Sherry is Unkie's granddaughter and Cartella's daughter. Also I will get in touch with Crystal who has been in Iraq, and tell her about Sherry. Do hope she is home with her two baby's. Thanks for all your messages. Love Mom

Friday, June 8, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom

Hope you still like your Blog and I hope everyone takes the opportunity to wish you a Happy 89th Birthday. I love you and hope you are having a wonderful day From my garden to You with Love.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Here's Harley too.

As I promised I would find and put up some pictures of Harley up too. So that is what this is. Well some of the pictures have Jade too. They are together and very cute. So here they are
OK family Blog Let's talk. I know Momma you don't like to talk politics, well I would like to talk about it, not exactly but maybe only sort of a little. I was sent an email by a group Jenifer were going to for a few years when we were with out a church home, It is called Sunday Morning Conversation Group.It was a group of people just like us, yet nothing like us, the sameness is they wanted to have conversation with other humans about issues. Not really political in fact when we were going it could not be a subject of either religion or politics but could evolve to those topics if that is where the conversation went. So we talked about family and social realities and a complete gamete of topics. Well anyway this email I just got from the group was about subject matter to be discussed this Sunday. Now I have a church home and we don't go to the group any more just because it is the same time as our church service. So the topic this week is National Security Presidential Directives. We in this group were no religion or political set, much varied, and that made things interesting. There was also a link for more information about the subject. So I was curious and followed the link. What I read there, worries me a great deal, as it is what I had predicted years ago but prayed to be wrong about this. Not really predicted as I don't really do that, I just sort of saw the possibility by what was going on at the time, and from what I had studied.
Well I would like every one to not consider me or my view point, but read this link I will be putting here with an open mind, and maybe leave me a comment. Comments are only shown when someone clicks on it. So only click on the comments from this entry (Mom) if you want to get political, just a little. I would like us to all consider this, and what to do if anything, or just follow along,per usual. I'm just asking you to read and comment only if you feel so inclined. An invitation to think and or speak about what is going on perhaps. 'Conversation', you know is good.
So after you've read this please feel free to make a comment. Just chick on comment at the end I think is how you leave comment as opposed to publishing a story to the blog. Thanks again for every one joining in on the family conversation. Don't want to and not trying to offend anyone at all, just feel it's important to know about this kind of stuff going on. Thanks again.
I love you all so don't anyone bother to get upset in any way I just found it to be a worry. Not too big of a worry as it was to me a long time ago. Now I know all things do in truth work for the good, and wanted to share and maybe get some feed back. Gary Are you there? what do you think? You've been around in other parts of the world and you are a really smart guy, we have all known that for a very long time. So let me know what you think about all this. Also the weekend was good (slower than we all hoped for) not great but good a good start. Thanks all for reading this.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Thanks Letitia I am so happy you are writing I'm going to add some pictures you sent to me. As well as a few other taken on our trip to AZ Hope you don't mind and you enjoy them. I'm sure Mom will. These are for you Mom.That is Jade in the Prom Dress and Spike in the blue shirt and John in the other picture. And a flower I took and one of the deserts. I have some of Harley I will get ready to post next.