Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Hi Everybody:
I don't know if you remember me mentioning my TV show on an earlier blog.
When I had some friends over and we watch part on of the series about two months ago. I was impressed with that on but wanted to wait to see the whole series or as least the bulk of the material before passing judgment on the show.
Well I watch Part II this morning and I must say it was great. I even learned from myself. I was practically captivated by the show, I mean it was truly interesting, and I knew all this stuff, it's me talking after all.
Most importantly I think it would be interesting to someone even if they didn't know anything about Tarot or didn't even want to know anything about Tarot. It is so much about human life and it's lessons you would hardly know it was about Tarot if we didn't say so, and everyone didn't already know what Tarot Cards look like. But if they didn't and just watched the show not know or caring about Tarot they too would find the show informative in not very interesting as well. I was very impressed with what I saw.
Now in my life I must remember I am that very wise caring sometimes a little funny attractive professional woman I saw today on the TV SCREEN.
I must completely forget any other self image I had. The one of old and failures, that image must leave my life and my consciousness forever. Today is a big step in that direction.
Thank you all for being here to listen to my self revelation, as my family.
If any of you may still hold old view of me, you must see my show and help me change my image in your mind as well as my own, because in reality we are all of the same stuff.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I wonder, Grandma did you every imagine that you would have your own "blog". I don't think so. I'll bet that when you were a little girl a "blog" was what you called the dirty little boys that tried to kiss you.

All is great here is California. I would like to know when Letitia coming to Palm Springs for Harley's gymnastics meet.

Sunday, July 22, 2007


...The Hartung/Whiteflower household is once again on the path to prosperity! Through our never ending efforts to improve our minds, our hearts, our souls and our lives we have been blessed with abundance. I started my new job a couple of weeks ago and it is glorious! The pay is only so-so for now but the perks are great and I know the Universe will take care of everything else.

We have had a fabulous summer so far. A number of trips to the mountains; it is just beautiful up there. So many different flora and fauna. We saw the strangest bug on our last visit. Wow! What a scary sucker. It looked almost like a HUGE was black & yellow striped with a weird medallion-looking "spot" on its head and a HUGE stinger. The thing was about 3 or 4 inches long, maybe longer! Mom and I were both wearing green and Mom had on a flowered hat so we seemed to have attracted it for a little while. Eventually it moved on its way; it seemed to have a route through the area as we saw it in the same place at about the same time two days in a row.

Mom has a lot of really great things going on as well. She is on the local tv station now regularly; she has a schedule on her website, I think. She has some really big projects coming up over the next couple of months that will keep her busy and hopefully making some dough too.

Steve is still pretty much, just Steve. He putters around with his garden and taking care of his ladies; both home, work and his closest friend Julie. Poor guy is ruled by women everywhere he turns. Well, things could be worse for him I guess...he could have no women. :)

Sorority is also keeping us all hopping. Summer is just a busy time. We had our Convention and that was a blast! We met a lot of really great ladies from across the state. We got our picture taken with the mayor of Broomfield; she is quite a woman.

Molly, thanks for the Kudos! Lately just busy with work so I have not had a chance to do much scrapbooking but I will probably get some more done next month; actually I need to go so I can get to work sometime today. I will try to post more later.

Love, Jen :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

More of our Wisperer

Guess we started last first opps well enjoy please scroll and read more

Humming Bird Whisper

This last week-end was Jenifer and Steve First Wedding Anniversary and we had a small party up at the cabin where they were married. It was a little rainy but wonderful none the less. It seems Steve is somewhat of a Humming Bird Whisper, you will see what I mean with these picture. Sometimes they will land on his head but today it was about landing on his finger. The last to pictures is of a humming bird on it's next we found and then the nest without the hummer mom. What a great experience, one I will remember the rest of my life. Humming Birds make their nests out of spider webs so they are silk nests, how cool is that.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Family Experiences

It is with great regret that one post upset me that it impaired my judgement regarding posting.

So with out anything further I would like to replace some of the posts that I had removed.

Also to add a little bit more in other area's of memories. Perhaps I should start at my earliest recollections. I can remember living on Bayla Street barely. But one of the wonderful memories that I do have is of Mrs and Mr. Hansen. He was a red head and a really fine man. Mrs Hansen was the best cookie maker and the best hugger that there will ever be. If anyone has any pictures of them I sure would like one.

Now about the only other thing that I can remember are my two brothers playing hide and go seek with my sister and I. Usually it was a lot of fun. But on this one time they took me with them so they could help me hide. We had an old freezer that set in the garage. It was turned off and cleaned out good. So my brothers put me in it and said to wait and they would be back. I waited for what seemed to be hours and was probably a few second. After a little while I started screaming and banging on the lid of the freezer. . They opened the lid and started laughing and I started crying. I went in and told mom and they got in trouble. Ha Ha!

When our family was all together in a house on Edwards road. I remember several of experiences that I will share with you later.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Jennifer Great Job

Great job on the scrap booking. Looks really good. I would like to be able to see it when it is up to date. Since we have such a healthy longevity line it will be a long time before it is finished. For those of you that do not know much about my grand mother, she lived to be 104 and 3/4 years. A week prior to her death she went to her favorite group The Fiddlers and Sang and danced the hours away.
So any way just wanted to say what a great job Jenifer.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Myers 4th of July

Hi all, hope you had a wonderful 4th of July. We had a great one even though it was a little trying at times. You see we took our 2 1/2 y.o. Granddaughter and our nearly 13 y.o granddaughter with us on vacation. It was our first experience with the 2 1/2 y.o. Here are a few pictures; see what you think.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Our new Friend

While attending the last month's down town fair. I made a new friend for Jenifer and I we really enjoy her company. We went for a short hike while scoping out our camp site for the next week-end, we took this picture, well we had one of the magical fairies in the area take the picture.

Friday, July 6, 2007

We've been camping

We went camping last week end and here are a few pictures of our camping trip. I love Colorado!!