Thursday, August 23, 2007

Jon is safe

We are all thrilled Jon, Spike's son is safe, and coming home soon so glad to here that. We were all freaked out yesterday when a helicopter from his unit went down. I freaking out after calling mom and finding out we would just have to wait to hear form Spike. I went to my cards and they told me he was ok just very sad about his friends. I received word this morning he was ok but it was one of his friends who died in the crash. All our prayers are with you Jon all prayer power of this family is with you and Gary's Grandson as well. I'm sure we can all agree we want all our boys home safely.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

More Brotherly Pranks

Another thing that I remember my brothers doing was calling me out to the front yard to sit with them and the guys. This was kind of cool. So being very unsuspecting I went to where they were and through myself on the ground beside them.

My brothers were smoking and they ask me if I wanted to smoke one. I said sure, trying to be big you understand. Well little to my knowledge they had filled my smoke with coffee grounds. I turned greener then a gourd. I walked or rather staggered over to where my Mom was at the Tabers. I told mom what they had done and at first she didn't beleive me. Then she looked at me and saw how green I was and knew that I had to be telling the truth.

Stay tuned for more adventure of the Brown family in years past. Fun things to look back on and smile.

Greetings from Cousins in Tehachapi, CA

Wow, where do I start? First off we are so very pleased to find so many new members of our "extended family", especially as far out as Knoxville, Tennessee! Molly, we will get out there in the very near future! I have to share the story about how all this came to be. Back in March of 1996, Don's Mother, Marie Wiseman, married to Arnold Wiseman, and I spent the her last days together and we talked about alot of things. She started to talk about the Wiseman's and gave me some names and made it clear that if I should ever have the desire to look anyone up it should be Nellie Hatcher. I wrote down names and places. After the funeral services and such I packed away some of Marie's things and I came across the notepad that I had written down the names and such. I thumbed through it and set the pad into one of my cubby holes of my desk. Periodically, I would do quick searches on the internet but nothing would transpire. I did this off and on over the past several years. This past June, I was searching for something on my desk and came across the notepad. I said to myself "Self, it's been a long time since you've tried this and with the internet being so advanced maybe this time it will pay off. I'll just put that in my tote bag and take it to work with me!". I did just that. As I reached into my bag for my ID badge, out came the notepad, landed right side up, onto my keyboard. I was staring at the name Nellie Hatcher. I'm one to pay attention to "signs" when they appear. I promptly put off my field work and sat in front of my computer (fortunately I have a leinient schedule) and started my quest. Don had no clue what I was doing. I heard about a new website and I tried it. I typed in the name Floyd and Nellie Hatcher and it came up with a profile. I had a gut feeling I found the pot at the end of the rainbow:-). I clicked on the "get more info" tab and naturally it told me that it would cost me to go further. Not a problem, I knew this was it. I was so excited. I pondered on what my next move should be and after an hour or so I made the phone call. Aunt Nellie answered and I think she thought she had some crackpot at the other end of the line. I started spilling out info that Marie had given me and it was stuff only a family member would know. She started listening. After talking with her and Charlene I finally told Don what had taken place and he was so estactic. When Aunt Nellie said to me "I finally found little Donny", I knew all was good. Aunt Nellie, Charlene, and Don finally got to talk with one another AND my side of the family conducts a yearly reunion and it has always been held at a park not far from Aunt Nellie's. Imagine that! Throughout the years Don was just down the street from Aunt Nellie's home. June 23 is when Aunt Nellie and Don got to meet for the first time in 45 years. I'll post a picture of them together later. It's awesome! I had to chuckle in between my tears of joy when Aunt Nellie called him "Little Donny" as I told her, sometimes when I get a bit perturbed with him, I call him "Little Donny Wiseman" (not that I get perturbed with him often!) Aunt Nellie gave me Justapearl's phone number and I promptly called and spoke with her. What a pleasure. I ordered her book and since we have received it, Don and I spend time some evenings going through it. It brings much joy to us to learn so much about family, especially ones lost for so many years. All of you are just great and we want to meet everyone! Don and I live in a small mountain community of the southern Sierra Nevada's called Tehachapi in California. Don has been employed with the Department of Defense for 28 years now and headed down the backstretch to retirement. I work for our local water district, which is a mile from out home for the past 8 years. This is our 21st year together and it seems like we met only yesterday. He's a wonderful person and I am so very fortunate to have him. We look forward to communicating with everyone as it keeps us somewhat "in touch" until we can eventually meet. We will be getting together with other members of the family as soon as Debbie, Aunt Nellie's daughter, is feeling better. Get well Debbie. Take care to all
With much love

Monday, August 6, 2007

New Cousins.

Hi All,

Hope that things are going well for everybody. I tried to get the lawn mowed today but, The lawn mower broke a line or something. Oh well it was getting way to hot outside any way.

There is a new annoucement about some cousins that will be adding to this blog this weekend. There names are Donald and Gina Wiseman. Since Grandma's maiden name was Wiseman that should give you a hint. I will let them tell the rest. They are very nice cousins and live somewhere out by Brother John.

No one has any news ????

I found an album of Unkie's and Lee's and I want to send it to their granddaughter. She send me a wonderful Doll the one I used to play with when I was a little girl and I am thrilled about it. I need her mailing address to send the photo album and their are pictures of her in it too.