Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Hi Everybody:
I don't know if you remember me mentioning my TV show on an earlier blog.
When I had some friends over and we watch part on of the series about two months ago. I was impressed with that on but wanted to wait to see the whole series or as least the bulk of the material before passing judgment on the show.
Well I watch Part II this morning and I must say it was great. I even learned from myself. I was practically captivated by the show, I mean it was truly interesting, and I knew all this stuff, it's me talking after all.
Most importantly I think it would be interesting to someone even if they didn't know anything about Tarot or didn't even want to know anything about Tarot. It is so much about human life and it's lessons you would hardly know it was about Tarot if we didn't say so, and everyone didn't already know what Tarot Cards look like. But if they didn't and just watched the show not know or caring about Tarot they too would find the show informative in not very interesting as well. I was very impressed with what I saw.
Now in my life I must remember I am that very wise caring sometimes a little funny attractive professional woman I saw today on the TV SCREEN.
I must completely forget any other self image I had. The one of old and failures, that image must leave my life and my consciousness forever. Today is a big step in that direction.
Thank you all for being here to listen to my self revelation, as my family.
If any of you may still hold old view of me, you must see my show and help me change my image in your mind as well as my own, because in reality we are all of the same stuff.


Justapearl Brown said...

Dearest Mary: Wish I could see the TV show. I know you have worked hard to get across what you believe in and I am proud of you. I wish I could express my thoughts like you do but it's just not ME. Keep up the things you believe in. Love MOM

Mary Whiteflower said...

Thanks Mom That means a lot to me.